Our AI-based solution provides chemical-free weed control for lawns in order to satisfy individuals who are looking for environmentally friendly solutions to weeding, and anticipating the expected legal ban on chemical weedkillers.
Our technology enables robotic weed detection with AI and mechanical removal on lawns in home gardens and public areas, in sports fields like soccer grounds or golf courses and in leisure facilities like hotels or resorts.
Our AI-based solution provides chemical-free weed control for lawns in order to satisfy individuals who are looking for environmentally friendly solutions to weeding, and anticipating the expected legal ban on chemical weedkillers.
Our technology enables robotic weed detection with AI and mechanical removal on lawns in home gardens and public areas, in sports fields like soccer grounds or golf courses and in leisure facilities like hotels or resorts.
Our technology executes the robotic weeding of lawns using a simple mechanical solution, integrated single-board electronics, and a resource-efficient inferencing algorithm implemented on a low-cost processor. Our patented technology can be easily added to conventional robotic mower designs. The neural network is trained on our unique weed in lawn database.
Innovations in the robotic lawn mower market comprise the use of GPS, wireless setups, and cameras for recognizing obstacles to redirect the robot. Our technology uses a camera for imaging, adds AI detection and a mechanically controlled component to eliminate weeds on lawns in different growth phases and lighting conditions.
Our technology uses a three-step working process:
Weed is cut off by a mechanical trimmer above the ground, stopping photosynthesis of the weed. After a few such operations on the same weed, the root does not sprout again and rots in the soil.
Early weed removal in the course of regular mowing prevents exponential reproduction so that only few removal processes are needed to keep the lawn weed-free.